sales training videos
(plus one more) at a Tremendous Savings!
You can pick and choose from the 13 separate videos below, or save BIG and get the entire set!
You’ll get 13 videos for less than the price of just four! Save $901!
Use one every month as part of your training, or go through the entire set and then view them as refreshers throughout the year.
Art’s Newest Video Training Workshop
How to Easily Handle Resistance and Objections on Your Sales Calls
This 27-minute video training session deals only with objections and resistance. One segment takes a workshop approach, so you will be pausing the video and working on your own situation. Here are some of the topics you’ll cover:
– Why most conventional thinking and training on objections is actually counterproductive, adversarial, uncomfortable for everyone, and sets you up for failure. And how to PREVENT objections from coming up in the first place.
– The “Doubt-Creation Process” where you will develop your own questions to melt resistance and objections.
– How to handle “We don’t need that.”
– Many word-for-word phrases and tips to use in response to resistance and objections.
Just $99 ($5 U.S. shipping)
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Telesales TV Training Videos
These training videos were originally recorded for members of Art’s Inner Circle members and range from 23-30 minutes in length, and cover several training topics in each DVD. The entire set consists of Seasons One and Two, 12 episodes total.
Season One
Telesales TV Video DVD- Episode 1
In this 25-minute video (perfect for sales meetings), Art shows you a number of ideas, tips and techniques to increase your sales and results by phone. Included in this episode:
The Big Lesson: Art shows you what really works in addressing objections, and why “overcoming” objections and objection “rebuttals” cause more resistance.
The Mail Bag: Art Answers questions about using scripts, and the best times to call.
Sales Mythbusters: You’ve heard this myth before, but if you believe it and practice it, you’re losing sales. Art shares what to do instead.
Bonus: Art receives a call from a sales rep, and uses it as a sales lesson.
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Telesales TV Video DVD- Episode 2
Episode 2 picks up with the same segments as Episode 1, covering different sales topics with tips, techniques and examples you can use, and also what to avoid. Included in this episode:
The Big Lesson: Sales reps sometimes jump in too early and begin a presentation. This deprives them of great information, and can create objections. Art shares his “iceberg Theory of Questioning: where you can let customers sell themselves.
The Mail Bag: Art Answers questions about asking “Are you familiar with us?” at the beginning of calls. He answers another about a technique you should avoid, and reviews a rep’s opening statement.
Sales Mythbusters: There’s lots of bad information out there about screeners. Art blows away a myth and gives you a number of success tips
Bonus: Once again, Art receives a call from a sales rep, and turns it into a sales lesson.
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Telesales TV Video DVD- Episode 3
Some new segments in Episode 3, as well as a few regulars. ALL will help you sell more.
The Big Lesson: “Rejection” is something that has caused many sales reps to not reach their potential, and maybe even get out of selling. You should not EVER experience rejection, and Art shows you how to view it, and completely AVOID it!
Sales Mythbusters: Perhaps you’ve heard that the phone should only be used to get an appointment, and you should not try to sell over the phone. Art blows away a myth and tells you the way it really is.
Quick Questioning Tip: Here’s a questioning tip that can put a lot of money in your pocket. Especially if there are other decision makers involved in your sales process.
Sleazy Sales Tactic to Avoid: You might have seen this goofy technique for getting calls returned. You need to AVOID it at all costs!
Bonus: Once again, Art receives a call from Al Smolski, and turns it into a sales lesson.
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Telesales TV Video DVD- Episode 4
The Big Lesson: “Send me something” is often an attempt to get sales reps off the phone. Here’s what you can do to determine if there really is potential. AND, Art shows what you can do to ensure that what you do send has impact.
Opening Statement Review: Art takes actual opening statements from sales reps in the field, reviews them, and shows how they can be improved. You can use these ideas in your own openings.
Sales Mythbusters: If you’ve ever been frustrated by someone who is not the ultimate decision maker, you might have been tempted to do what “Mythguy” suggests. And that could be fatal. Art shows what to do in this common situation.
Why Your Voice Mails are Ignored, and What TO DO Instead: Face it, most voice emails are ignored. worse, the ENSURE the sales rep will never speak with the buyer. Art goes through the voice mail mistakes to avoid, and what to do to enhance your chances of speaking with your buyer.
Bonus: Again, Art receives a call from Al Smolski, and turns it into a sales lesson.
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Telesales TV Video DVD- Episode 5
The Big Lesson– Sales reps give away pure profit by not knowing how to react to simple price comments, mistaking them for real price objections. Art shows exactly what to do to keep that profit.
Turning Inquiries Into Sales– Prospects who contact you should be the easiest to close. You’ll see word-for-word tips to convert more into sales.
Mythbusters– Maybe you’ve heard you should never ask a question that can be answered with a “no,” or just a one- or two-word answer. Not true. Art shows when you actually should! Handling Stalls and Delays– How you react to “I want to think about it” means you’ll either move forward in the sales process, or get sucked into a time-wasting trap. You will get lots of responses to ensure your success.
Ask the Cleansing Question– Here’s one question that can get immediate sales, and clear out your time-wasting prospects.
BONUS– Once again, Art gets a call from sales rep, Al Smolski, and turns it into a sales lesson on how to begin follow-up calls the right way.
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Telesales TV Video DVD- Episode 6
The Big Lesson– Here’s the one factor that most directly affects your success and income: the size of your THINKING. Art shows how thinking big in sales will produce big results.
Sales Mythbuster
The MythGuy says you should ask someone if they are a decision maker in your opening statement. Not so! See and hear why, and what you should do instead.
Cutting Their Costs Means Raising Your Sales
When you can help someone cut their costs, you have their attention, and probably their business. Art gives you word-for-word questions and phrases to use on your calls.
How to Place An Effective Follow-Up Call
Doing the right things on the follow-up call is essential to keeping the sales process moving forward. You’ll see the step-by-step process.
Art gets a question from sales rep, Al Smolski regarding the topic of asking someone for their time at the beginning of a call.
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Season Two
Telesales TV Video DVD- Season 2, Episode 1
The Big Lesson– Many sales reps ask about the prospect’s/customer’s budget and get shot down as a result. You’ll see and hear why that usually is not a good question, and when and how you should ask about money.
Interview With a Buyer– Art interviews Dan Hoemke, the former CEO of Humana’s Western Region, who shares what it takes to get to and sell to high-level buyers, AND, what to avoid that is certain to get you screened out.
Video Question From a Viewer– A Platinum member of the Telesales Success Inner Circle submits several questions via video. These questions, and Art’s answers deal with price resistance, and objections–something most sales reps encounter.
“How are You Today?”– Whether or not you should use that question at the beginning of a call sparks a lot of debate. See arguments on both side of the issue, and what you should do.
How and When to Upsell– Art actually places a call to our friend, Al Smolski, and it turns into a sales lesson on the what to do and avoid to upsell effectively.
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Telesales TV Video DVD- Season 2, Episode 2
How to Avoid the “Just Checking In” Call
Starting out a call in this way usually gets you nowhere. Art shows what you should do instead to move the sales process forward.
Should You Give the Screener Information?
Some “experts” suggest that you don’t waste time answering screeners’ questions. Following that advice is sure to get you screened out. Here’s what to do to get the screener to HELP you.
Resistance and Objections Tips
Art shares how to handle the Resistant Reflex Response that occurs early in a call, but may not be a real objection. He also discusses how to address a common real objection that happens later in a call.
Questions From Fellow Sales Pros
Sales professionals from the field pose questions about situations we all run into.
Handling “The Timing Isn’t Right, Right Now
In today’s economy, the reality is that a slowdown has occurred in some industries. Here’s how to position your success when they DO buy.
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Telesales TV Video DVD- Season 2, Episode 3
How to Handle “Panic Mode” Prospects
When you get seemingly hot prospects who need information right now, be careful. Some do result in sales. Others waste your time and money. The key is knowing the difference. You’ll see exactly what to ask and present.
The RIGHT Way to Set Phone Appointments
If you are not setting phone appointments, you should. It sets you apart from other sales reps and is an effective use of time. Here is the right way to do it, that also saves time, and positions you as a professional.
Success Tips From Fellow Sales Reps
You’ll see a couple of sales reps sharing what works for them on the phone. You’ll hear a great tip about preparing for a prospecting call so it is not “cold,” and also how to handle the prospect who you thought was going to buy, but never called you back.
You’ll see three brief tips you can use right now!
How To Get Commitment On Every Call
You won’t get a sale on every call of course, but if you are going to follow up, you should get a commitment to move the process forward. You’ll see exactly how to do this, and also how to close more sales in the process.
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Telesales TV Video DVD- Season 2, Episode 4
An Entire Training Episode Dealing With Selling at Full Price, Minimizing Price Resistance, and Dealing With REAL Price Objections
Sell Value By Showing Them the Money
You’ll always sell at your price by raising their perceived value, or their perception of the result they get by buying from you as being much higher than the cost. Here’s how to do just that.
Brief Price Tips
You’ll see several brief price tips, including the single most important factor to presenting price, how to respond when you’re asking for a better price, and how to respond to a question about the price before you are ready to give it.
How to Address Real Price Objections
When you do get a real price objection, you do not want to respond with a “goofy objection rebuttal.” Here is the professional way to deal with price, and any objection.
Negotiating Without Giving Up Pure Profit
Sure, sometimes you do need to negotiate. Here’s how to avoid giving away profits, and help them feel good about it.
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Telesales TV Video DVD- Season 2, Episode 5
The BIG Lesson
In sales training, lots of emphasis is placed on what to say in certain situations. What is more important than speaking on the phone is listening. You’ll get some tips for listening more effectively.
Handling Stalls and Delays
When you hear something like, “We’re not ready now, call back in six weeks,” do you just comply and get off the phone? That could be wasting your time. See what to do in order to determine if there is interest, or if it is just a brush off.
Dealing with “Fuzzy Phrases”
When prospects are a bit vague or evasive, you need to get clarification as to exactly what they mean. You’ll see exactly how to do this..
Setting Call objectives
Most failed sales calls never had a chance, because there was no clear objective. You will see what you must do before calls to ensure your success.
Staying Motivated
Art shares tips and strategies for staying motivated and performing at top levels.
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Telesales TV Video DVD- Season 2, Episode 6
How to Avoid Writing Unnecessary Bids and Proposals, and Win More of Them
Art’s Big Lesson discusses how to avoid writing unnecessary bids, proposals and quotes, and how to win more of the ones you do prepare.
How to Never Place “Cold Calls” Again
Instead of “cold calls,” you’ll see how to turn them into “smart calls” that have a much greater chance for success.
Quick Tips
You’ll see several “Quick Tips” that discuss the language to use to make your calls more credible and persuasive.
Analysis of a Prospecting Call
Art analyzes a prospecting call example and points out the good things that make it successful, and what can be changed. You can take these ideas word-for-word and adapt them to your calls.
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Ultimate Video Package Deal
Get BOTH Season One and Two – ALL 12 DVD’s For Less Than the Price of Just Four! – Just $597 (Includes U.S. shipping)
You’ll Also Receive Art’s Latest Video “How to Easily Handle Resistance and Objections on Your Sales Calls” ABSOLUTELY FREE
That’s a Total Value of $1,287.00!!
Add “Telesales TV – Ultimate Video Deal” ALL 13 videos to cart $597 (includes US Shipping)